Bydgostiana – Bydgoszcz collection in KPDL

The Kazimierz Wielki University Library has been gradually enriching their Cuiaviana et Pomeranica digital collection in particular by adding newspapers and magazines. One of the major published items is Przegląd Bydgoski: czasopismo regionalne naukowo-literackie containing articles, sketches and dissertations devoted to the history of the city, its literature, theatre, musical life and also geography. Przegląd Bydgoski was the most important scientific-regional magazine in the inter-war period in Bydgoszcz. Particular attention should be paid also to the inter-war newspaper Gazeta Bydgoska, eleven yearbooks of which are digitally copied by the KPDL. Next periodical, Dziennik Tygodniowy Departamentu Bydgoskiego was of advertising and informational nature and was being issued between 1811-1812 by the prefecture of the department, whereas Zmartwychwstanie: miesięcznik dla spraw i zagadnień narodowych polskich ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem spraw kresowych touched social, national and economical issues.

The digitalisation of contemporary academic periodicals has already started: „Kronika Bydgoska” and „Kalendarz Bydgoski”, issued by the Society of Friends of the City of Bydgoszcz. Yearbooks include articles and dissertations concerning science, culture, economy and history. They also present eminent figures connected with the city. The magazines, being constantly issued for many years now, are the source of various information on the past and present Bydgoszcz and the life of its inhabitants.

If you are interested in Bydgostiana, come and see the collection of maps, postcards and graphics connected with the region.


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