Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library contains 266 771 digital objects
2013-01-14Most objects in the Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library is presented in the DjVu format. To view these files we recommend you to install a browser plug-in that is available for free download by clicking the image below. There are also versions for
2010-03-02Nicolaus Copernicus University signed an agreement with the Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodeship on cooperation in the project e-Culture of Kujawy and Pomerania, conducted under the Regional Operational Program 2007-2013. e-Culture is a key part of the project e-Services — e-Organization — a pac…
2009-09-23The Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library already has o…
2009-04-09At the request of the Nicolaus Copernicus University Institute of Physics our Library digitalized all the scientific articles by Professor Alexander Jabłoński and placed them online in the Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library with the permiss…
2009-02-17In 2009 the project Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library has new partners, which are: Torun Center for Contemporary Art Znaki Czasu, Baj Pomorski Theatre, Dwór Artusa Cen…
2008-10-24The Nicolaus Copernicus University Library intends to organize (5 November 2008, Torun) a regional seminar for institutions promoting culture interested in participating in creating digital library (KPDL) resources. During the seminar the following will be presented in detail: the digital project a…
2008-06-06Any KPDL user, who has already set up an account on our digital platform is capable of using new functions available together with our new software version.
2008-04-23The Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library (Kujawsko-Pomorska Biblioteka Cyfrowa) has opened access to a first batch of current publications using the terms of the Creative Commons licenses. The Library Coordinator began to reach out to authors on the subject of this simple and user-friendly method of pu…
2008-01-31The Kujawsko Pomorska Digital Library is on the list of Top 200 Repositories compiled by the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group belonging to the Centro Superior de Investigaciones Ci…
2008-01-24Cultural heritage collection of the KPDL has acquired a collection of manuscripts and music scores coming from the
2008-01-24The Kazimierz Wielki University Library has been gradually enriching their Cuiaviana et Pomeranica digital collection in particular by adding newspapers and magazines. One of the major published items is Przegląd Bydgoski: czasopismo regio…
2008-01-23The Kazimierz Wielki Main Library has included a series of graphics into the iconographic section of the Kujawy and Pomorze Digital Library presenting portraits of people connected with culture, science and Polish history over the centuries.
2007-03-29The first stage of the KPBC undertaking financed by EU funds has been completed successfully at the end of 2006.
2006-07-04On 23rd June 2006 the award presentation ceremony for the 6th edition of the competition for Kujawsko-Pomorskie Marshal's Award took place at the Nicolaus Copernicus University assembly hall (Aula).
2005-11-25The Kujawsko-Pomorska Digital Library, as the result of a long-term project co-financed ...